Pure Land LLC is included in the registry of operators of the free economic zone «Megri» for 10 years for industrial and production activities. In particular, the company plans to build a food packaging plant. FEZ «Meghri» was established in the Meghri community of the Syunik region of the Republic of Armenia by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia on December 7, 2017. The Free Economic Zone was launched on 15 December 2017. It is expected that 100-120 companies with an area of 10-15 hectares (with the possibility of further expansion to 45-50 hectares) will operate in the territory of FEZ, whose revenue will be $52 million in 10 years. The production is planned to be exported to Iran, the EAEU, the countries of the Middle East, Turkmenistan, etc.
The total cost of building a free economic zone in Megri was estimated at $32 million, of which $28 million was capital expenditure. It is expected that the total investment of all companies in 10 years will reach $350-400 million. The activity of FEZ is already legally enshrined in the EAEU Customs Code. In total, 7 such zones will operate in the system of duty-free trade in the EAEU. In addition to «Megri» in Armenia, there are two more FEZ: «Alliance» and «Meridian».
The details can be found on the website of the Ministry of Economy of RA.