
Invest in AM is a B2B platform that bridges investment offers in Armenia with 1000+ potential investors and exporting companies with potential buyers

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exporting companies


Invest Offers Catalogue covers business offers that require investments. Choose the preferred location, sector, amount of funds you are interested to invest in, check the profitability of the project along with share in the company you will be offered and contact the business.


Renewable Energy

5.8 MW Kharberd Solar PV in Armenia


The company owns a 4 ha land plot in Kharberd and plans to outsource it for an investor, or investment fund to establish 5.8 MW solar PV. The plot is situated in the high solar intensity zone of Armenia and is within close distance of electricity grids. The proposed design consists of 2 units with nominal output power of 2.3MW plus one unit with nominal output power of 1.2 MW, each one formed by several parallel and series associations of photovoltaic modules, which in turn are mounted on fixed structures with horizontal PV module assembly. Using this design, the Typical Meteorological Year of the area provided by the Client and modelling the characteristics of the surrounding obstacles, the plant performance and production has been calculated showing a capacity factor of 23%. Fixed structures will be formed 3 rows of 19 PV panels (57 PV panels per structure) and it will be south oriented: - General Block – 2.3MW: there will be connected 152 PV fixed structures of 3 rows with 19 PV panels per 2.3MW ITC (8664 PV panels). Each 2.3MW ITC has two 1164kW inverters. Solar inverters are used to convert the direct current generated by PV modules into alternating current of low voltage. A double secondary power transformer (one secondary winding for each inverter) will raise it to medium voltage under optimal conditions of voltage and frequency for grid connection. - General Block – 1.2MW: there will be connected 76 PV fixed structures of 3 rows with 19 PV panels per 1.2MW ITC (4332 PV panels). The 1.2MW ITC has one 1164kW inverter. Solar inverters are used to convert the direct current generated by PV modules into alternating current of low voltage. A single secondary power transformer will raise it to medium voltage under optimal conditions of voltage and frequency for grid connection. Each ITC will be equipped with an auxiliary power transformer which will supply energy to necessary auxiliary services for proper operating of PV plant (inverter power supply, lighting, monitoring, power suppliers, etc.). Armenia has a large potential for solar energy (the average annual solar energy production per 1sq.m. of the surface is 1,720 kWh/sq.m. and a quarter of the country has an annual solar energy supply of 1,850 kWh/sq.m). The Government of the Republic of Armenia guarantees the purchase of the full amount of electricity produced from renewable sources within the next 20 years. Today, Armenia is building several large solar power plants with a total capacity of 400 MW.

Required investments


2 039 916 000֏






Motsak Military Drones Manufacturing in Armenia


Global spending on unmanned aerial vehicles is poised for a major expansion in the coming decade as militaries invest about $98 billion in new intelligence gathering and strike capabilities. Given the rise in territorial disputes in the world and the increase of military budgets even amid and post-COVID19, the demand for UAVs is rising exponentially. Additionally, Armenia’s strategy to reform its defense system with a primary focus on drones manufacturing, makes it essential to have in-house drone manufacturing. Motsak strike drone is the semi-automatic weapon of the third generation, where the operator only needs to indicate the coordinates of the target. A simple, relatively inexpensive, effective weapon that can be used in various types of forces. Hand-launching and small dimensions make it possible to launch from the ground, from a shelter, from moving and stationary objects, even for soldiers who have not undergone special training. Ready and start-up in 1 minute. One soldier can launch many drones alone where the third party is unable to determine the start point. There are two versions of the model. Both models are made of composite radio-transparent materials and, due to their small dimensions, are difficult to detect by radars. Amongst the advantages of Motsak are relatively low cost of manufacturing, autonomous mission execution after launch doesn't depend on the launch site, and many more.

Required investments


622 400 000֏



Motsak Drone Manufacturing LLC


Export Products Catalogue covers Armenian food and non-food stuff products that can be exported to your country of destination. Choose the product category and product type, check the price and min. order and start imports of the Armenian products.


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Tax Consultancy

Investment Consultancy

Legal Consultancy



Invest in AM CJSC has been of great help in positioning the investment portfolio of Armenia to the world and in promoting investments in Armenia. The dynamism in IT Armenia has experienced in recent years is unprecedented. We ourselves are investing in Gyumri right now.

Todd Fabacher

Todd Fabacher

Founder of Digital Pomegranate

Invest in AM has a great network of committed investors in Armenia, our investment project on solar power plant in Kharberd has already received several offers from investors through Invest in AM platform.

Jan Moeyaert

Jan Moeyaert

Founder of Kharberd Solar Power Plant

Invest in AM has proved to be a company with high quality professionals, great network of investors and contacts abroad. Our work together has produced tangible and long-term results.

Akim Poghosyan

Akim Poghosyan

Founder of Stone Development

