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Anahit Techcenter

Required investments


90 248 000֏

Cost of the project

500 001 150֏

EBIТDA Margin/profitability


Company’s Annual Sales

21 395 000֏-87 525 000֏

Share in the company if one invests the required money


Number of employees

Payback period

We are open to discuss debt investment, we offer 20% annual return on amounts less than 40.000.000 drams / $100000 / 100000 euros and 25% annual return for bigger amount, maximum for 5 years. The original space in the plant is rented from the YMMP (Yerevan Plant of Mathematical Machines) for 5 years per each block with prolongation to another 5 years at different rent price. We did all the renovation using high standards for IT offices and unique design.

About company

Anahit TechCenter builds a high-tech hub in the 4th sector of the Yerevan Plant of Mathematical Machines, occupying 4th and 5th floors, with plans to expand further.

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