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Metal Rolling Factory Establishment in Shirak

Required investments


81 690 000֏

Cost of the project

1 205 900 000֏

EBIТDA Margin/profitability


Company’s Annual Sales

87 525 000֏-389 000 000֏

Share in the company if one invests the required money


Number of employees

Payback period

Min. ticket size $100,000 (֏41,571,000). The project owner is ready for phased financing if the entire amount is invested. There is an initial agreement on land and property. *This section is for informational purposes only to provide communication between the Armenian entrepreneurs seeking financial resources and persons owning those resources. The information on this site does not constitute an offer to purchase securities. Specific investment mechanisms are not proposed, they will be discussed by the above-mentioned stakeholders.

About company

The company is going to establish a metal processing plant in Shirak's marz. The owner of the project has rich professional experience and practical skills in this field. For many years he led a company located in Shirak’s marz engaged in the production of steel reinforcement. He also worked in Russia and Iraq, where he has a network. The company will be established after getting the funding.

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